· 5 min read

How to Become Smarter

How to Become Smarter

Since the dawn of time, human beings have hungered for more. More knowledge. More power. More fun. More… life.

So it’s no surprise that you’re reading this right now. Whether you’re looking for a competitive edge at school, or you simply want to think faster, longer, or better, you’re here because you want to improve.

Luckily, becoming smarter isn’t actually as hard as most people believe. So long as you’re consistent and don’t self-sabotage constantly with poor lifestyle choices, you’re already ahead of the majority of the population.

What follows is a powerful, instantly-actionable checklist that will show you how to become smarter.

You are what you eat. Literally — the proteins holding together your neurons, the cholesterol that makes up your neuronal membrane, all of these are directly constructed from the nutrients in the food you eat. So make sure you’re eating the right ones.

All problems in life can be boiled down into conceptual models. The models we internalize ultimately allow us to deal with similar-looking problems in consistent and intelligent ways.

Your girlfriend breaking up with you, might be, to you, a highly specific and nuanced problem. But if you abstract away the facts — your girlfriend, the time you spent together, the breakup, etc — you’re left with a much simpler model: somebody doesn’t want to spend time with you even though you want to spend time with them.

Now that you have this simple model, you can leverage historic instances of how you’ve dealt with the problem to better improve the outcome of this particular situation. Instead of experiencing only one or two past instances of this specific problem in your life (i.e, the breakup), now you’ve experienced hundreds of a more general problem (people not wanting to spend time with you). Your solution will be that much better as a result.

One of the best ways to learn models quickly is to read. Now, most people recommend non-fiction or self-help, but I’m going to go against the grain and recommend you read fiction. Fiction allows you to live life in another person’s shoes — you get to read stories of people that experience dozens of potentially life-changing problems in the span of a few hours. And once the book is complete, you get to take a little ‘piece’ of them with you, through their mannerisms, ways of thinking, and character.

Studies have shown that consistently social people have younger looking brains. Socializing staves off dementia, improves health, and ultimately helps you live a better life.

This makes sense if you consider that one of the core differences between humans and admittedly not-as-intelligent animals is our capacity for complex communication.

The majority of “brain-training” exercises have been thoroughly debunked by modern science. But there are a few that have been shown to work, and constant exercise will eventually improve performance on not just the game, but other tasks as well.

Congratulations! If you consistently follow the four steps above, don’t fall prey to poor lifestyle choices (like consistently abusing drugs and alcohol, or allowing yourself to become obese), and continually self-improve you will see a substantial increase in your ability to think over time.

Ergo you will have literally become smarter. Nice work, Dexter! Just please don’t take over the world when no-one’s looking.