Life Improvement · · 2 min read

Time Passes Anyways

Time Passes Anyways

Whether you like it or not, time will pass. There is nothing you can do to stop it, and you will never have as many hours in a day as you would like. In addition, there is an opportunity cost to everything you do: working on project A for one hour means you're giving up the opportunity of project B.

You will also likely never make the most optimal decision in terms of project choice, and there is almost always something else out there that will deliver you a higher expected return than what you are doing currently.

These are unfortunate facts. They are uncomfortable to explicitly verbalize, dwell largely in our subconscious, and yet drive the vast majority of the decisions that we make.

The solution, to me, is to institute systems that eliminate the omnipresent danger of opportunity cost entirely. Instead of having to choose what to do with your time (and risk making a sub-par choice in relation to another), one should focus on creating automatic processes that work for them independent of time. Or, if not fully independent, then at an order of magnitude that makes your current time expenditures largely irrelevant.

A few examples of time-independent processes that can yield a substantial return:

The underlying theme: time will have passed whether you utilize these processes or not. Therefore, you may as well begin them as early as possible, so that you can make returns regardless of how productively you choose to spend your days.

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