Porn is awesome. You get to set your own hours, travel around the world, and make a substantial amount of money per shoot. Plus your work is literally sex.
That’s not to say it’s not difficult, though. Porn can also be an exhausting, extremely competitive, and short-lived career — especially when considering that the average pornstar (male or female) only works for one or two years.
If you’re considering it, understand that the decision to get into porn isn’t one you should make quickly. Think deeply about the social implications and potential career ramifications of doing so, and only get into porn if you’re absolutely sure that it is what you want. Know that once photos or videos of you are on the Internet, you’re in the public eye forever whether you like it or not.
But enough disclaimers! Let’s assume this is what you want to do. You’re doe-eyed, dead set on porn, and wondering how to get started.
Nick to the rescue. After mountains of (very productive) research, talking to porn actors and actresses, and seeing local studios, I’ve compiled a quick & dirty list of steps to teach you how to get into porn.
There are two main routes — Amateur Porn or Direct-To-Agency, depending on your preference, and I detail them below.
How to get into amateur porn
Amateur porn has exploded in popularity in recent years due to the Internet. Simply put, amateur porn usually involves independent, unsigned actors and actresses taking matters into their own hands — literally — and filming/distributing their own porn to the masses. Many contemporary pornstars make a fantastic living out of the comforts of their own home, drawing their revenue from advertising, Patreon, and sponsors.
It also gives you the most power out of any option listed below. You call the shots, set the boundaries, pick your partners, and set your wage. But you’re also responsible for actually doing the work, aka filming, editing, marketing, and promoting your videos. While not incredibly difficult thanks to the Internet, it can still be daunting if you’ve never done it before.
To get started in amateur porn:
- Research your niche. What is your body type? Skin color? Preferred type of porn?
- View the top porn websites and look at your competition. Pay special attention to the recency of their videos — because porn has such a spectacularly high dropout rate, most of the other videos feature actors and actresses that are no longer producing videos.
- Pick the niches that best represent you and simultaneously have the fewest or least-enticing competitors.
- Buy a professional camera (ideally with built-in video stabilization), microphone (audio is very important to most viewers), and soft lighting set. You’ll be using these in the next step.
- Take full body shots and shoot three or four distinct, short porn videos. Make sure each video is thematically different. Vary the lighting, angles, point of view, and so on. Try and cover as much ground in each video as possible.
- Nearly all modern porn websites have links, usually squirreled away in a corner, inviting you to become a model. They pay advertising revenues and partner programs. Fill out the application process of each, and supply relevant pictures, videos, and information when requested.
- When you’re accepted, post your three or four videos on each website a few days apart. Wait one month. Add up the views, comments, and engagement on each video, and compare the analytics to find the best responding consumer segments.
Once you’ve found the best angles, themes, and so on, produce videos with those characteristics consistently for several months. Aim for one every three days. So long as your videos are attractive and your quality is excellent, the algorithm will catch on and begin promoting your videos naturally.
Everyone has different tastes — experiment with your niche
Remember that there’s something out there for everyone. People have wildly different tastes and ideals. If you don’t catch on right away, don’t worry — keep making content. Success in the amateur porn space can actually pay significantly more than traditional routes, so it warrants a good try.
Once you start gaining traction, often you’ll receive paid sponsorship opportunities or outreach programs. Websites will pay you for shows, dedicated videos, and more. Many amateur actors and actresses also bundle sponsorship revenue with influencer donation programs like Patreon to “lock” certain content, and create a VIP following of hyper-fans that pay anywhere from $5 to $10 per piece of content.
How to get into a porn talent agency
If amateur just doesn’t suit you, or you don’t want to be responsible for marketing, there’s always the more traditional route to porn: talent agencies.
In this method you apply to join a talent agency, and once you’re in, you leave the marketing, promotions, and filming up to the companies your agency partners with.
Talent agencies are collections of models, producers, and marketers. Over the years they’ve taken several forms, but modern agencies usually focus on three things: marketing their talent, partnering with local studios or other agencies, and sometimes fronting capital for porn productions that pay them royalties over time.
Agencies have a vested interest in your success, because the better you do, the more work they’re likely to get. They’re more than willing to show you the ropes, and support you in all aspects of your career.
Because this route means you won’t bear the grunt of the work, the steps to getting into porn are much simpler.
- Find your ideal porn talent agency. The group that you choose will have a massive impact on future opportunities for success, so do not take this step lightly. If you have any idols, research who represents them, reach out, and see if they’re the right fit.
- Either purchase or borrow a professional camera with which to take full body nude pictures. You’ll need these in the next step.
- Often, there are straightforward application processes that you can find on their website. Usually, you’ll need to provide full body nude pictures, highly detailed measurements (waist size, bust size, hip size, etc), and information about your ethnicity.
- Most top talent agencies are located in Los Angeles, as this is one of the few places where participating in paid pornography is explicitly legal. Don’t be surprised if they want you to come visit. If you do end up working with them, you may need to relocate.
- Once you’re in an agency, you’ll start receiving bookings on a semi-regular basis. The better you do, the more likely your agency is to promote you. Work hard and constantly be on the lookout for opportunities.
And that’s it! Working with a talent agency is much simpler than amateur porn. The major downside is reduced flexibility, less freedom, and (usually) exclusivity.
You’ll also likely need to be of a certain body type or appearance to get in — know that they’re not discriminating against you, they just have a particular audience. Be wary of contracts or extended agreements, and go through anything you have to sign with a fine-toothed comb first.
Let's talk money: amateur porn vs talent agencies
It's important to note that, depending on which route you pick, the amount of money you receive as a pornstar will vary.
Amateur porn stars have a wonky distribution of incomes. The majority (99%) of them make very little money - less than a few hundred dollars per month - while the small minority of them make tons through sponsorships, OnlyFans, and advertising. If you're doing amateur porn specifically for the money, it can be tough to make a decent living unless you're exceptional.
Talent agencies, on the other hand, usually pay you a modest sum per-gig. Most of the people that get assigned shoots make an average, or slightly above-average, wage when all is said and done. Instead of a very one-sided distribution, like with amateur porn, working with a talent agency is more likely to give you a comfortable living - but you probably won't get super rich doing it.
In closing: getting into porn in 2024 is simple
Congratulations! If you followed the steps in this guide, you’re now either working in amateur or traditional porn. You’re in for some good times (wink-wink), wide-reaching internet popularity, and a fulfilling career.
Understand that taking the first step is always the hardest (pun-intended), whether it’s in porn or another industry. If this is truly what you want, you need only to reach out and take it — you have the power to do so right now. Good luck!